Penn Systems
Penn has developed or customized many systems
for faculty, staff, and students. Please note
that local systems aimed at small, internal
audiences are not included here.
All University
Systems and services for faculty, staff, and
students. (* = systems available to the general public).
Campus Maps* - Find maps, buildings, and building access information.
Classroom Finder
- Find spaces that meet size, equipment, and other requirements.
Courseware Gateway
- Find links to all School courseware sites.
Update - Add or update information contained in the online directory.
- Many systems exist on campus.
Jobs at
Penn* - Locate open, non-faculty positions
at the University.
Catalogs*, Databases & E-journals
Library Proxy Services
- Access restricted Library resources from off-campus.
Calendar* - View and submit campus events.
Online Computer Purchasing - Order a custom-built
or Dell
Online Directory*
- Find contact information for students, faculty, and staff.
Giving* - Make a gift to Penn.
A-Z* - Locate web sites of departments,
centers, programs, groups, publications, and
other entities.
Penn Web* - Find out about the University's
web space and resources..
PennKey Systems
- Register a PennKey, reset a forgotten password,
sign up for Challenge-Response.
PennTEM - Make travel arrangements via the University's fully integrated online travel booking, expense reporting, and reimbursement application for faculty, staff, and students conducting University business.
SPIN Plus - Identify funding opportunities.

Current, New, Prospective
- Find course information (for students enrolled
in courses using Blackboard).
Canvas - Transition to Canvas, the new learning management system scheduled to replace Blackboard in Summer 2014.
Express - Sign up for selected student
services (for current and new students).
Services Recommendations File - Check the
status of recommendations you requested (for
current students).
Graduate Admissions and Professional Degree Programs - Find links to information and resources for graduate, professional, and continuing educaton programs.
Online Applications for Penn (for prospective
students) - Apply as a freshman or transfer student to one of the four undergraduate schools.
(formerly Net.Pay) - Receive billing statements
and submit payments
online (for current students and parents).
InTouch - Register for courses, update
contact information, check financial information,
and more (for current students).
Penn LPS Commons - Find course information for online learning (for students registered in Penn LPS Online Learning courses).
PennPlan Online - Use this web-based planning tool to view your financial aid eligibility if you applied for financial aid, review Penns budget and finance payment options, and calculate monthly payments (for current fulltime undergraduates).
- View student resources and create a custom
view of general and personal information (for
current students).
Pennster - Use this virtual student orientation network to communicate with other incoming students and College House staff and to participate in online chats (for incoming freshmen).
SPIKE - Use Wharton's
Intranet communications suite (for current Wharton students).
Loans - Check the status of loans, view correspondence, submit
online request to reduce or cancels loans, and request additional
Stafford loan funds (for current students).
WebCafe - Use Wharton's
Web-based tools for collaborating and sharing information in teaching,
research and student activities.

Faculty, Staff, Researchers
- Subscribe to ISC's service for backing up and archiving data on
networked computers and workstations.
Knowledge Link - Access Penn's online learning management system.
LMS Reports - Access Knowledge Link training records of supervisees.
Penn+Box - Share, manage, and access content via desktop file managers, web browsers, common office applications, and mobile devices.
Penn Benefits
- Review and make changes to current benefits information.
Penn Profiler - Identify your compliance training needs.
Penn's Way - Participate
online in Penn's workplace charitable campaign.
Secure Share - Exchange sensitive information securely.
Secure Space - Store and share files with collaborators at Penn and other institutions.
U@Penn - Access the
employee portal, with links to many online applications and resources
for faculty and staff.
See Using
Administrative Systems for additional
used for academic, financial, and research
administration, such as Advisor InTouch, BEN,
Penn AEs, Penn Community, and others.