Basic Security users may use TLS to encrypt POP,IMAP, and SMTP authentication.
The settings are the same for both Macintosh and PC clones.
These instructions are for Outlook 2007 and 2010.
Click here for Outlook 2003 instructions.
Other versions of Outlook are not supported for IMAP/POP with Zimbra.
(Enhanced security using Kerberos is not available for Outlook users. Please use Mozilla Thunderbird instead.)
Add New Account
If this is the first time Outlook has been used, you will be asked if you would like to set up an account. Select Yes and click Next.
Otherwise, go to Account Settings:
Outlook 2007: Open the Tools menu and click Account Settings...
Outlook 2010: Go to the File tab, select Info if it is not already selected, and click Account Settings -> Account Settings...
Make sure you are in the Email tab, and click the New... button.
Note for Outlook 2007 users:
The screenshots below were taken in Outlook 2010, and may differ slightly from what Outlook 2007 users will see.
However, the instructions will work for both versions.
Auto Account Setup
Choose Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.
Choose Service
Choose Internet Email and click Next.
Internet Email Settings
Your Name:
Your real name. E-mail Address:
Your email address for this account. Incoming mail server:
This is the internet location name of your incoming mail server. Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
This is the internet location name of your outgoing mail server. User Name:
This is the login name for your email account. Password:
Enter your password if you want Outlook to remember it for you. Remember Password must be checked for you to enter your password. Remember Password:
You may choose to save your password to avoid entering it every time you check your email. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA):
Make sure this is turned off. Penn does not support SPA. More Settings...
To set up a secure connection click this button to continue.
More Settings
Outgoing Server
My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:
Be sure to turn this on. Use same settings as my incoming mail server:
This setting should be used for your Penn-provided Zimbra account.
Click OK once you are finished.
Test Account Settings
Click Test Account Settings... once you have made all necessary configurations.
If you did not tell Outlook to remember your password, you will be prompted to enter it now.
If everything is correct, you should see a screen like the one below.
Close the Test Account Settings window, then click Next to finish the setup process.
If the test fails, recheck the configuration settings and try again.
If it still fails, contact your LSP or account administrator.