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Email Services - Frequently Asked Questions:

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Mail Account Setup

Upon starting Thunderbird for the first time, you will automatically be prompted to set up an account. If this is not the first time you have used Thunderbird, go to Tools->Account Settings..., then in the bottom-left of the window that appears, go to Account Actions->Add Mail Account.

Your name:
Your real name.
Email address:
Your email address for this account.

Once you have entered your information, click the Continue button. After a little while, you should see a screen like the following. Select your protocol () and click "Manual config".


Mail Account Setup: Manual Config

Enter the settings below, substituting your email username for "pennuser". Use the port numbers that Thunderbird automatically detects for you.


Click the Create Account button. Your account will be created, and your mail will begin to appear in Thunderbird.

You should now be ready to start using Thunderbird. If you would like to further configure your account or check that the configurations are correct, continue to Account Settings.

Account Settings

pennuser@ pennuser - smtp. (Default)

The configurations are set under the Account Settings menu item in the Tools menu.

Account Name:
You can enter a nickname for this account.
Your Name:
Your real name.
Email Address:
Your email address for this account.
Reply-to Address:
Email address which you want people to reply to when you send email from this account.
Company or organization you belong to.
Signature text:
Signature that will be appended to the end of your emails.
Attach the signature from a file instead (text, HTML, or image):
If you have a signature file you can specify it here.
Attach my vCard to messages
Compatible email clients will be able to add you to their address book easily.
Outgoing Server (SMTP)
Choose your preferred outgoing server.

Server Settings

Server Name:
This is the internet location name of your server.
Leave this field as it is; Thunderbird will automatically fill it in for you.
User Name:
This is the login name for your email account.
Connection security:
Select "STARTTLS".
Authentication method:
Select "".
Check for new messages at startup:
Check this if you want to automatically look for new email when you begin Thunderbird.
Check for new messages every [10] minutes:
Interval at which Thunderbird checks for new mail.
Empty Trash on Exit:
Check this if you want to delete all messages in your trash box when you exit Thunderbird.
Local Directory:
Where local email is saved. If you change this path you will need to manually recopy all previous messages to the new path.

Outgoing Server

Click on the "Edit..." button to see these settings.

pennuser - smtp. (Default) smtp.

Server Name:
Add "smtp." in front of the server name you used in your IMAP/POP server name.
This is the outgoing server port. Port 587 will be compatible with many ISPs.
Connection security:
Make sure to select "STARTTLS" to secure your email connection.
Authentication method:
Select "".
User Name:
This is your email account login name.


Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Comments & Questions

University of Pennsylvania Penn Computing University of Pennsylvania Information Systems & Computing (ISC)
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania